Brevetti + for economic valorisation of companies’ patent
Up to € 140,000 for the valorisation of patents
The Brevetti + call for proposals aims to support the companies holding a patent or a patent application, as for the economic valorisation of the same.
To this end, a non-repayable grant is foreseen for the purchase of specialized services aimed at industrialisation and engineering, at organization and development, at technology transfer.
The SMEs (including newly established ones) having the registered head office and executive office in Italy can apply for access to funds. Applicant enterprises are required to be:
- owners or licensees of a patent or industrial invention issued in Italy after January 1, 2022;
- owners of a national, an European or an international industrial invention patent application filed after 01/01/2021 with a “non-negative” outcome.
Subsidy concessions
The overall capital allocation amounts to 20 million Euros.
Contribution in capital account, with a maximum subsidy amount of 140,000 euros, within 80% of the eligible costs. The investment must be completed within a maximum of 18 months from the act of the grant concession.
Eligible expenditure
The expenses eligible for the subsidy must relate to the purchase of specialised services (invoiced and paid after submitting the application) for:
A. Industrialisation and engineering
- feasibility study (technical specifications with related documents, identification of materials, definition of the production cycle, product layout);
- production planning;
- study, design and engineering of prototype;
- firmware development for numerical control machines;
- software design and development;
- production test; issue of product or process certifications strictly connected to the patent applied for.
B. Organization and development
- organizational planning services;
- organization of production processes;
- IT Governance services;
- Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative definition of a new geographic and field markets; definition of the communication strategy, promotion and supervision of the distribution channels.
C. Technology transfer
- arrangement of confidentiality agreements;
- arrangement of patent licensing agreements;
- costs of collaboration contracts between SMEs and research institutes / universities (sponsored research agreements).
For the purposes of the valorisation project eligibility:
- the project cannot be based on a single service;
- the project must comprise at least one service of the Macro area A;
- the total amount requested for the services relating to Macro areas B and C cannot exceed 40% of the total amount of the requested programme.
The beneficiary company and the providers of services for which the facility is requested must not have any kind of reciprocal participation at the corporate level.
What are the procedures and deadlines for submitting the applications?
The last application opened and ended on 24 October 2023. However, this is a recurring benefit, therefore it is possible to plan investments and attendance to the future applications!
For how long the funds were available within the previous call for proposals opening days?
In the previous editions, the available resources were depleted on the same day of the call for proposals opening, so, in order to obtain the funds, the timely proposal submission is needed.
Regulatory framework
MIMIT Directorial Decree of 16th June, 2023.
Official page of the Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy
Take the opportunity to access this subsidy
Leave us your details and you will be contact by one of our consultants.